2024.07.05Happo-One / Sunny

Although it was a weekday, the good weather meant that even before 8:00 a.m., a line had begun to form for the Kurobishi 3 Pair, which started moving at 8:15. Nikkokisuge day lillies were in full bloom around the Kamaike Marsh (pictured), and as I stopped before boarding the Grat Quad, I overheard visitors commenting about how beautiful and plentiful the flowers were, with several eagerly taking photos of the nikkokisuge day lillies with the three Hakuba Sanzan peaks in the background. [Happo-One Nature Trail・Kamaike Marsh]

On the steep rocky climb up the mountain climbing course, I felt the heat of the strong summer sun on my back, but above the wooden boardwalk stairs, the wind was blowing so strongly that it almost blew my hat off, quickly cooling my overheated body. Above me, the clouds were moving at a tremendous speed across the sky.
[Happo-One Nature Trail・No. 1 Cairn to Shakujii Cairn]

Nikkokisuge day lillies were at their best at the beginning of the nature trail. Tateyama utsubogusa (Prunella prunelliformis) was in full bloom in the middle part of the trail, and watasuge (cotton grass) was peaking at the end of the wooden boardwalk course. On the west side of Happo Pond, chinguruma (Aleutian avens) had passed its peak and was being replaced by a few iwa-icho (deer cabbage) flowers. There were a lot of people heading beyond the No. 3 Cairn towards Mt. Karamatsu, and I met two hikers who told me, “We’ll go as far as we can!”
[Trail to Mt. Karamatsu・No. 3 Cairn to Lower Birch Forest]

A hiker I met around the No. 3 Cairn (pictured, background) comented, “The takane-bara (Rosa nipponensis) is blooming beautifully.” On the popular deck at the edge of the Happo Pond, I felt as if I could stay there for hours, looking at the shimmering pond and feeling the cool mountain breeze.
[Happo-One Nature Trail・Happo Pond]

[Happo-One Nature Trail 2024 Opening Information]
Period … 2024/6/1 (Sat.) & 6/2 (Sun.), 6/8 (Sat.) – 11/4 (Mon.)
Hours … Happo Alpine Line (8am -) / Kurobishi Line (8:15am -) *Early morning operation starts from 7/13
Fees … Happo Alpine Line Roundtrip / Adults JPY3,300, Elementary School Students JPY2,100, Preschoolers Free → Advance Discount Tickets: Adults JPY2,950, Children JPY1,800! (No need to exchange at the ticket window! You can proceed straight to the gondola.) Kurobishi Line Roundtrip / Adults JPY2,000, Elementary School Students JPY1,300, Preschoolers Free.
(*One preschooler free with each paid adult. The second preschooler will be charged at the normal children’s rate.)
*Hakuba Happo-one will be reported 1-2times a week
*To Visitors Requesting Original Data of Our Photographs.
reported by Snownavi

October 2024
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8:30 a.m. +20.0℃

Operating Period
